│ └ bicycle
│    ├ Cycle wear, helmets
│    │ ├ Helmets and related equipment
│    │ ├ Cycle caps, bandanas
│    │ ├ Sunglasses, Case
│    │ ├ cycling jacket
│    │ ├ windbreaker
│    │ ├ rainwear
│    │ ├ cycling jersey
│    │ ├ racer pants
│    │ ├ bib tights
│    │ ├ warmer
│    │ ├ undershirt
│    │ ├ casual cyclewear
│    │ ├ Casual cycle pants
│    │ ├ glove (esp. sports)
│    │ ├ shoes
│    │ ├ Shoe Accessories
│    │ ├ Bicycle kappa, poncho
│    │ ├ Children's Cycle Wear
│    │ ├ protector
│    │ ├ triathlon wear
│    │ └ Other Cycle Wear
│    ├ Maintenance Supplies
│    │ ├ Bicycle Tools
│    │ ├ degreaser
│    │ ├ Cleaner, wax
│    │ ├ Brushes, cleaning tools
│    │ ├ Maintenance Stand
│    │ ├ balance beam (in gymnastics)
│    │ └ Other maintenance supplies
│    ├ Frame, Parts
│    │ ├ frame
│    │ ├ component group set
│    │ ├ Tires, Tubes
│    │ ├ Suspension, Fork
│    │ ├ Wheels, hubs
│    │ ├ drivetrain
│    │ ├ Saddle, seat post
│    │ ├ Handle, stem
│    │ ├ Shifter, lever
│    │ ├ brake
│    │ ├ Pedals, cleats
│    │ ├ Bearing unit
│    │ ├ Bicycle seat cover
│    │ └ Other frames and parts
│    └ Bicycle Accessories
│       ├ Bottle, Bottle Cage
│       │ ├ bottle
│       │ ├ bottle cage
│       │ ├ Volcage Adapter
│       │ └ Other bottle-related products
│       └ Tool bottles and cases
├ sport
│    ├ bag
│    │ └ Bottle Pouch
│    └ Accessory
│       └ Bottle Pouch
│       └ Slide bar, bottleneck
│    └ Fuel (outdoor)
│       └ Fuel Bottle
      ├ Alcohol Products
      │ ├ Cocktail and liquor supplies
      │ │ └ bitters bottle
      │ └ Wine Supplies
      │    └ Bottle Stopper
         └ Dressing Bottle
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