│ └ tastes
│    ├ Other Hobbies
│    │ └ model-making
│    └ fortune-telling
│       └ blood type divination
│    ├ military
│    ├ model railroad
│    ├ robot
│    ├ character
│    ├ mini 4WD
│    ├ automobile
│    ├ motorcycle
│    ├ Ships, boats
│    ├ aircraft
│    ├ Building
│    ├ Other models
│    └ Diapers, pants
│       └ pants-type diaper
│ │ ├ Shed, garage
│ │ │ └ Large warehouse
│ │ └ Air Conditioning
│ │    └ ventilation fan
│ │       └ Ceiling-mounted type
│    ├ Uniforms, work clothes
│    │ └ Medical Clothing, White Coats
│    │    └ Casey-type lab coat
│    │ └ Safety signs and billboards
│    │    └ Type A Barricade
│    └ for agricultural use
│       └ Agricultural Materials
│          └ Greenhouses, plastic greenhouses
│             └ small plastic greenhouse
│ ├ cat goods
│ │ └ cat tower
│ │    ├ Stationary cat tower
│ │    └ Pole type cat tower
│    └ water tank
│       └ Large tanks and ponds
│       └ Stationary IH cooking heater
│ └ PC Parts
│    ├ embedded SSD
│    ├ tent
│    │ └ camping tent
│    │    └ Dome Tents
│    └ Outdoor Bedding
│       └ Sleeping bag, sleeping bag
│          ├ Envelope sleeping bag
│          ├ Mummy type sleeping bag
│          └ human sleeping bag
│ ├ motorcycle
│ │ ├ battery
│ │ │ ├ Shielded battery
│ │ │ └ Open battery
│ │ └ Maintenance Tools
│ │    └ tools
│ │       └ wrench
│ │          ├ T Type Wrench
│ │          └ L Wrench
│ ├ automobile
│ │ │    ├ Separate body antenna
│ │ │    └ Main body antenna integrated
│ │ │ └ Intake system parts
│ │ │    ├ Air cleaner (mushroom, conical)
│ │ │    └ Air cleaner (stock replacement type)
│ │ │ └ Car Tools
│ │ │    └ wrench
│ │ │       ├ T Type Wrench
│ │ │       └ L Wrench
│ │    └ Exterior, Rear
│ │       └ Round Tail
│ └ bicycle
│    └ Frame, Parts
│       └ Saddle, seat post
│          └ Seat post integrated saddle
│    │    ├ menswear
│    │    ├ hat
│    │    ├ Children's and infants' clothing
│    │    ├ bag
│    │    ├ Other pattern papers
│    │    └ women's clothing
│       └ Shower stand type parts
│ │ └ speaker
│ │    ├ Bookshelf speaker
│ │    └ Tallboy speaker
│    └ TV tuner, antenna
│       └ F-type plug
      ├ cookware
      │ │ └ Confectionery molds, bread molds
      │ └ Die Cutting, Cooking Molds
         └ Pot-type water purifier
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