│ ├ magazine
│ │ └ living
│ │    └ cooking
│ └ living
│    ├ home cooking
│    │ ├ General home cooking
│    │ ├ home cooking
│    │ ├ Japanese-style meal
│    │ ├ Western-style meal
│    │ ├ Chinese food
│    │ ├ Italian cooking
│    │ ├ New Year's food
│    │ ├ sweets
│    │ ├ bento (Japanese box lunch)
│    │ ├ popular cook
│    │ └ Home Cooking and Others
│    ├ cooking speciality
│    │ ├ Specialty Cuisine in General
│    │ ├ Chinese food
│    │ └ Other
│    └ Cuisine and others
│       ├ Cooking and other general
│       ├ tableware
│       ├ ingredient
│       ├ culinary essay
│       ├ encyclopedia
│       ├ health foods
│       └ preserved foodstuffs
│ │ ├ Meat deli, cooking
│ │ ├ Eggs, tofu dishes
│ │ ├ food
│ │ ├ Curry, hashed rice
│ │ ├ pizza
│ │ ├ powdered goods
│ │ ├ (Western) soup
│ │ ├ stew
│ │ ├ gratin
│ │ ├ croquette
│ │ ├ oden
│ │ ├ dim sum
│ │ ├ Ordered Hot Pot Set
│ │ ├ assorted seasonings
│ │ ├ Sugar, sweetener
│ │ ├ vinegar
│ │ ├ soy sauce
│ │ ├ miso
│ │ ├ sake lees
│ │ ├ mirin
│ │ ├ cooking sake
│ │ ├ white sauce
│ │ ├ Tomato sauce, ketchup
│ │ ├ pasta sauce
│ │ ├ Nabe-tsuyu, Nabe-soup
│ │ ├ mayonnaise
│ │ ├ dressing
│ │ ├ dip
│ │ ├ Croutons, toppings
│ │ ├ Roux, solid roux
│ │ ├ cooking ingredients
│ │ ├ Edible oils, oils
│ │ ├ Honey, syrup
│ │    ├ Sukiyaki set
│ │    ├ Shabu-Shabu Hot Pot Set
│ │    ├ Motsu Nabe Set
│ │    ├ Hamburg steak
│ │    ├ Kakuni, Raftae
│ │    ├ Roasted pork, chashu pork
│ │    ├ roast beef
│ │    ├ roast chicken
│ │    ├ fried (e.g. potatoes, chicken)
│ │    ├ yakitori
│ │    ├ pork cutlet
│ │ └ rice cooking
│ │    ├ sushi
│ │    ├ Okowa, sekihan (red rice)
│ │    ├ cake wrapped in bamboo leaves
│ │    ├ rice cooked with squid
│ │    ├ bowl of rice with food on top
│ │    ├ Chinese-style fried rice
│ │    ├ risotto
│ │    ├ Kiritanpo Hot Pot Set
│ │    └ Other rice dishes
│       ├ Tecchiri, fugu nabe set
│       ├ Anglerfish Hot Pot Set
│       ├ Suppon Hot Pot Set
│       ├ Buri Shabu Set
│       ├ rice cooked with squid
│       ├ soaked salmon roe in soy sauce
│       ├ Salted fish, salted squid
│       ├ Matsumae pickles
│       ├ Crab side dish
│       ├ Shrimp side dish
│       ├ Oyster delicacies
│       ├ Shellfish side dish
│       ├ Sea urchin side dish
│       ├ Squid side dish
│       ├ Octopus side dish
│       ├ Tuna delicatessen
│       ├ Pufferfish side dish
      └ cookware
         ├ Pots, grills
         │ ├ Frying Pan by Cuisine
         │ └ pots and pans by cuisine
         ├ kitchen utensils
         │ └ kitchen scissors
         └ Die Cutting, Cooking Molds
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