
Bach Performance on Piano [DVD]

4.6 5つ星のうち4.6 35個の評価

新品 中古品
DVD 2枚組
ジャンル Music Video & Concerts, Classical / Symphonies
フォーマット クラシック
コントリビュータ Hewitt, Angela
言語 英語
ディスク枚数 2

アウトドア用品、ファッション、食品・飲料、母の日ギフト、父の日ギフト関連商品など、10万点を超える対象アイテムからよりどり2点以上で5%OFF。 セール会場はこちら


  • アスペクト比 ‏ : ‎ 1.78:1
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 英語
  • 製品サイズ ‏ : ‎ 19.08 x 13.54 x 1.4 cm; 117.93 g
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 0034571880013
  • 製造元リファレンス ‏ : ‎ CDADVD68001
  • メディア形式 ‏ : ‎ クラシック
  • 発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2008/3/3
  • 出演 ‏ : ‎ Hewitt, Angela
  • 字幕: ‏ : ‎ 英語, ドイツ語, フランス語, イタリア語, 日本語, ロシア語, 中国語, スペイン語
  • 販売元 ‏ : ‎ Hyperion
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0012Y1HJQ
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 2
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.6 5つ星のうち4.6 35個の評価





上位レビュー、対象国: 日本



Ann M. Collett
5つ星のうち5.0 A Gem
Pretty well anything that Angela Hewitt does is top notch. Here she explains many aspects of what it takes to make a pianist. Mostly, Hard work and practise, practise, practise. Any music lover would appreciate the Bach recital. Listening to Hewitt play Bach is pleasure enough and to see her hands move on the keys shows how it really is only one person producing all those melodies and counterpoint. Her obvious joy with the music shows on her face which flows through her whole body and out to the viewers eyes and ears. I'm a firm admirer.
Just William
5つ星のうち5.0 Required Viewing
You don't have to be a pianist to enjoy this, though you're in for a treat if you are. If you like Bach's music there's plenty to learn about and the range of topics is impressive, seven chapters with sub-sections covering everything from phrasing and tone to ornamentation and choosing a published edition. I enjoyed it all immensely - every minute of it. It's certainly excellent value, the lecture running to two and a half hours and you get a recital on top of that.
As a lover of both Bach's music and the piano, this was irresistable. Having struggled for years to play Bach's easier keyboard pieces it was enlightening to hear the thoughts of a musican who is arguably among today's finest Bach interpreters. It was a nice touch that the works discussed were not restricted to difficult pieces such as the Goldberg Variations, Partitas and the '48' etc. but also included beginners pieces from the Anna Magdelena Notebook and the 'Little Preludes'. Having also studied the cello for a few years, the appearance of Ms Hewitt's fellow Hyperion recording artist, Daniel Muller-Schott with his beautiful 300 year-old Venetian cello (and therefore made during Bach's lifetime) came as an added bonus.

Filming takes place at the Fazioli piano factory in Italy and it's clearly put together by an accomplished production team. Quality of sound and vision is excellent and the artistic values high. These are, of course, very much the personal views of one musician but views I believe, that are well worth hearing. And don't be put off by the Fazioli piano, it sounds beautiful! Highly recommended.
F. Horne
5つ星のうち5.0 She has added much enjoyment to my listening!
There are two discs--a series of lessons on disc 1 (see Mr. Lekan's list) and a live performance on disc 2. What Angela Hewitt does on disc 1 is set forth her approach to playing Bach. Even though I am not a musician--or perhaps because of it--I got more from disc 1 than from any other single Bach record I own. The reason is that Ms. Hewitt not only tells you what she thinks is the way to play Bach, but she does the telling from a piano bench, and then she turns to the piano and plays to illustrate exactly what she is talking about. She illustrates how a singing tone is achieved; she illustrates how she modulates timing and emphasis to achieve an effect similar to the way we modulate our voices as we talk or sing; she brings in the 'voices' one by one to show what happens as polyphony is built up. What Ms. Hewitt is really after, it seems to me, is to avoid monotony in her playing, and add the equivalent of color, light, and shadow. I will admit some of the lecture was beyond me. However, what I could follow is already adding immensely to my enjoyment of Bach--and not only her playing, but that of others. I am now enjoying listening and comparing Hewitt's playing of a particular piece with Gilels' playing or Gould's or Perahia. In short, I am hearing the music better now because of her instruction. Also, I take it as given that Ms. Hewitt is explaining her playing and her understandings, and that other Bach masters would differ with her. It matters not--let them come forth with their DVD and I may buy it too. Her explanations have meant much to me already.

Highly recommended!!

F. Horne
5つ星のうち5.0 Angela Hewitt - Bach Performance on the Piano
An excellent, must-have resource for serious students and teachers of Bach. This is almost like having your own private master class. Angela communicates a wealth of knowledge in such a clear, easy-to-understand manner. This has to be the most authentic source of information and knowledge base on Bach since Rosalyn Tureck (whom Angela quotes occasionally). Every library should have this valuable research document in its collection. The 2nd DVD, the live performance, is a bonus. Thank you, Angela, you have done the world a service with this work. Vincent SPICER.
R. Kunath
5つ星のうち4.0 A Great Artist Speaks
I haven't reread all the comments on this DVD set, but I remember the strong positive and negative comments a couple of years ago. I am a great admirer of Ms. Hewitt's Bach--and of her artistry in general--and I think her discussion of performing Bach is fascinating (and I speak as a non-musician). But I do understand where the negative comments come from, I think. The first time I watched her Bach lecture (borrowing the DVDs from a friend), I was somewhat put off by her criticisms of her master class students. Frankly, I stopped the DVD because I felt uncomfortable with the criticisms of beginning artists being made by a supreme virtuoso: what's the point?, I thought. But now that I have bought the set and watched Hewitt's presentation straight through, I have come to realize that, were I a serious musician trying to work on my Bach playing, her criticisms of the mistakes she often hears in her master classes would be _exactly_ what I most wanted to hear. One of the commentators--Molly, I think--points out that Ms. Hewitt had better think that she knows what she is doing, and she is exactly right; no great artist lacks belief in herself. And, as you go through the lecture, there is more of Ms. Hewitt's attractive personality on display: gleams of modesty and humor are more frequent. I wonder if there is not a bit of a gender dimension here. I noticed that Ms. Hewitt tended to quote mostly from other female interpreters of Bach (Tureck and Landowska, especially), and I have a sense that she has had to work against a stereotype of female musicians as somehow lesser artists than their male counterparts. I admire a wide range of Bach interpreters, and Gould and Schiff are well up there, but I think Landowska, Tureck, and--yes--Hewitt--are consummate masters whom any keyboard performer can only hope to equal; they will not be surpassed. I think that if you are a non-musician Bach aficionado (like me) or a serious piano student working on your Bach performance, you will find exceptional insight and artistry in Hewitt's lecture-demonstration. It's a five-star experience, but I give it four stars because the kind of sparkle that I have heard in Ms. Hewitt's musicianship (both in recording and in person) and perceived in her interviews and blog posts is less in evidence than I would expect. She is careful in her writings and public comments to differentiate herself from that other Canadian Bach interpreter (Glenn Gould), but I can't help thinking that her tight control of the DVD presentation in its lecture format is similar (though for different reasons)to Gould's compulsion to control his public persona. I think the presentation would have benefited from being conducted as a conversation. Her interchanges in the DVD with cellist Daniel Müller-Schott have a much more spontaneous and inviting atmosphere than the straight lectures, which sound at times over-rehearsed. The closest I've come to meeting Ms. Hewitt is walking past her at the Blossom Music Center in Cleveland (after a wonderful Beethoven concerto with the Cleveland Orchestra), so I may be romanticizing her, but I've heard enough interviews to have the impression that she is a lovely person, full of warmth and humor. I wish more of that were on this DVD. But make no mistake, she is one of the greatest Bach pianists of our time, and what she has to say here is truly fascinating and enlightening. And, of course, the pianism is nonpareil.